Traveling again

At the end of the night a couple of sales and some more likely which makes it all worthwhile.
Anyway, here are some pictures of the hang, and, if you look quickly, a portrait of me in passing oh gentle reader.

So, if you are in Wellington go look in at Photospace
Old stories
Enjoy the preview

Nature at its best
More travels into the Promised Land

These are from a row of old Wan Chai shop houses that are being "saved".

Back with the Buddha's

Needing some peace and quite recently I took a trip out to Sha Tin and made the walk up the hill to the 10,000 Buddha Temple. I love this temple. It is not a tourist centre like the (over rated) “Big Buddha” on Lantau and as such when I visit there are often only two or three other visitors.

Imagined clouds

From the ongoing "The Promised Land" series. I like to think that this works on a couple of levels. Firstly, as part of the comment/documentation on/of advertising and consumerism and its development of imagined ideal lives.
Secondly, here in
The Andy
Market report
Anyway, I hope to put up more photo's of this market, it has become a project for me.

Black, white and grey
Anyway, a selection of black and white images for your review

From a distance
I continued on some themes that I have been exploring around spirituality like this one.

I took bad tourist photos, (I will leave those out) and occasionally I just became entranced with the beauty of the country, its colours, shapes and tones.

And on occasion the modernist in me came out.

Midnight sun
OK, pictures ...

There is something about the light in London ....

that is different to both New Zealand and Hong Kong.
That and some of the buildings look strange

Then I got on a plane and flew to Iceland
late night and daylight
I have shot a lot of film in the last six or so weeks, I hope some of it is good and that I can get it up on the site when I get it processed and scanned.
Till then, I am of to bed, early start in the morning.
More from Iceland
Anyway, what have I been doing? Well, getting used to an Icelandic keyboard for a start. Some great symbols and letters on it. I will try and keep the miss types to a minimum. We have been travelling over a small stretch of coast and interior photographing for “The Books”. I have been trying to do some of my own work (I’m not a rocks and trees sort of guy) and have found a few things that have made me do some work. Most of my time is spent helping Paula Chamlee either make photos or work on her film. The latter has been interesting.
Interesting things that have happened to me. Waking up to sheep surrounding my tent. Seeing Puffins, they are much smaller than I thought. Sleeping next to a glacier and hearing ‘bergs calve off during the night. Learning that the German translation for seal is sea dog. Not having a heart attack each time I pay for something (this is an expensive place).
Need to rush off and find the local laundry. Last chance for about 10 days. Have fun ya all.
travel with a bag full of cameras
What can I say about Iceland. Well for a start I have only been here for two days but yes, at this time of the year it does stay light for close to 24 hours. There is a brief, (2-3 hours), period when it turns to dusk. It is kind of wierd, light at midnight.
We spent yesterday geting organised. Got the vehicles out of the contianer and sorted out a few problems. Spent most of today out photographing. Think I found some good stuff, certainly different to what I have been doing lately, more modernist, traditional work. Will have to see what comes of it.
Anyway, will post more as time allows. Take care all.
... see you soon ...

This may well be my last post for a while, in a couple of days I am off to
I have traveled with them before, in Europe, where they where photographing in, predominately,
So I leave you with this picture. I like it for its humor, especially as it is outside a contemporary art gallery here in
a little humour
fruit and animals

Well, I'm off into the heat to photograph at a place called Tai O, (where the red wall in the previous post is) a fishing village on Lantau that I love. Have a good one.