a little humour
fruit and animals

Well, I'm off into the heat to photograph at a place called Tai O, (where the red wall in the previous post is) a fishing village on Lantau that I love. Have a good one.
another meditation

This will probably be another of them, maybe. It is another that references the flight of the Jews from Eygpt.
World Interests

In a way, this picture sums up that change, where once there would have been the names of businesses on this sign, now there are none.

meditation on yellow
Ideas, I have 'em sometimes...

I have been thinking about a “homage” series for a while. A work I have always liked is Colin McCahon’s “Here I give thanks to Mondrian”. So this is the first in an occasional series. Keep coming back for more.
Oh, yes, this is called, to start the series, “Here I give thanks to McCahon”. And yes, it is a photograph.
Public Art and Private Views
Tokyo revisited
I went to Tokyo recently...

I spent just under two days there. It is an interesting city, and one that, obviously I can only make the broadest of generalizations about. It is big, we went to a bar high up a tower block one evening (the Park Hyatt, where parts of ‘Lost in Translation’ were filmed) and the city seemd to go on forever. But at street level, in most of the places I went to, it felt very human. Many of the buildings are ‘low rise’, four to six levels as opposed to the large number of towers in
During my time there I took surprisingly few photo’s. The three above are from a temple complex near our hotel. My understanding is that this temple was for stillborn and miscarried babies. It was a place that was both still and peaceful, yet also full of life. And therein lays a sweeping generalization based on 48 hours in a city.
And before I go, anyone who goes “Asian” in an attempt to lump a significant proportion of the world together as one homogeneous group should spend two days in
As some of you know I have a thing about water...

... I love, fear, admire and respect the sea. It has tried to kill me and it has given me great peace. My relationship with it is complicated, but then aren’t all relationships.
And on a more prosaic issue, some one reminded me this blog is fp4.blogspot, so where are the black and white images? OK, these are for you.
God It Is All Dark

The images above are installation shots from a show I had last year called “God It Is All Dark”. They represent my interpretation of the Stations of the Cross, and pay homage to one of
I think like many of my generation there is a strong Judeo-Christian underpinning to my upbringing and therefore my spirituality. You can either fight it or use it.
As they say, "vanity, all is vanity", here (which you will have to copy and past into your browser, I can't make it work from within the post....) www.salient.org.nz/index.php?a=2018&c=28
is a review of the show from a local student publication. One correction, there are 14, not 12 stations.
I’m sorry about the quality of the images, I can not yet scan the negs, and the prints are way too large for my scanner.
It's been a wet day...

I think my coming back to these old images is both a reaction to the landscape in
Anyway, going out to meet friends and discuss things like food, books and movies. The sort of Friday night I like.
Going back through old negatives

While I wait for the