
Jack the Dripper

Another homage image, first person to tell me who this is a homage to gets a prize.


a camera in the world said...

hmmm, interesting, and a great way to start my day, lol. But in all honesty I don't think this guy new what a smile was :-)

microphen said...

going by your title and the lovely colour palette i'm guessing jackson pollock. i also see some kandinsky and/or joan miro depending on how much i squint. do i win a trip to the hk???

a camera in the world said...

Andy, you win a cup of tea in my favourate dai pai dong. Can you make 10 this morning?

a camera in the world said...

OK, someone has just emailed me and sugested Robert Mangold. Now I didn't think of "curve bob" when I took this but I tell you what, looking at it now with this in my mind......