From a role I shot recently, was feeling peaceful that day.
A ramble through the life and mind of a transplanted New Zealander in Asia and the world
There are in Hong Kong, but for not much longer, dai pai dong stands (apparently this means “big permit stall” for the size of the permits they where issued with originally) they came into their heyday in the 1960’s when the population of
This is the “memory” of one that has now been pulled down. Hey, maybe a Starbucks or Pizza Hutt will go in instead.
Some might read a sense of irony in my diptych, what can I say.
I have also found this series on the last day of a dai pai dong by a local photographer which is worth a view www.flickr.com/photos/ahorizon/42032336/in/set-921379/
..a few good books.
Among them is One Hundred Photographs: A collection By Bruce Bernard. A great collection of images from some of the great names in photography, and, I feel, appropriately, a large number of anonymous ones as well. One of the 100 images in the collection is W.Eugene Smith, Tomoko with her mother beside the
It’s been nice today. The rain and wind cleared the sky and the light was good, temperature was in the mid 20’s with comfortable humidity. So I stayed inside most of the day and worked. Shit happens.
I did get out in the end, had to get some stuff done and post some letters (you remember those, messages that you put on paper, stuff in an envelope, put in a box with a token on them and someone then gives them to the person you want to get them) and run some errands.
As one of the errands took me to
So, if you are in Hong Kong, go to the glorified toilet on the
The level one Typhoon warning has gone up. For those of us who come from
T1 means that there is a Typhoon within 800 km of